
Just maybe...

Ladies who have been in a relationship for a long time want their partner to know how to keep them happy. Maybe you are still both learning and knowing more about each other but hey, you should know how to give them rainbow after the rain.

Maybe you have so many questions in your mind and one of this is, why does he change whenever he's around with his friends? True love should be consistent regardless what the situation. Just two things, either he's being real with them or being real with you. It's your call!

On the other hand, some man complains about high standards. Ladies, we should never lower our standards to any man! Refuse to lower your standards, your aspirations, and your expectations for any reason. We were not put here on this planet to barely squeak by and settle for a lukewarm, watered-down version of life, or to live in fear of what other people will think. Our lives can’t rise any higher than our standards. So ladies, the next time someone tells your standards are too high, don’t feel sorry about it and say “Thank you.”

This post was inspired by Amari Soul of Reflections of a Man and Mandy Hale of The Single Woman. I’ve learn a lot from them and want to share with you. Until my next post! Thanks to Euphoria for the overalls. Please do like and follow them on Facebook & Instagram, @euphoriabyjell. x