Oh my gosh!!! Has anyone else noticed that time is running so fast these past few weeks? We're about to welcome another month and do you wonder what keeps me going?
- Who says you can't? You do! Book by Daniel Chidiac - This book got me right in the feels. Have you ever wonder why I don't finish this book yet? Because every page has this big impact and make you think twice. It helps me realize what are the things that I need to improve in myself and how to win at life and a lot more! Sometimes we need to change on how we think, talk and act for us to win!
- Planner from Starbucks - This is my thing since 2010 if I'm not mistaken. It started of jotting down my to-do list and agenda for the day. Ever since, I easily forget things and just thought of tracking it this way, it always reminds me of my small achievements too!
- Toblerone Dark Chocolate - This keeps me going literally. Most of us love sweets and with my health issue recently, I started to be conscious with the food I eat. Kinda weird but health is wealth indeed. There's just something with this black toby that makes me high.
- Watch - Reminding myself that time is ticking and life is short not to despair but to do the right things. I can't delay my purpose and have to improve myself everyday. Of course, for me to reach my goals!
- Preserved Gold Roses - I got this gem from my birthday. Seeing this does not just brighten my day everyday but it reminds me of my worth and that I am special as gold.
I’ve been on and off social media since 2017 until recently, I have decided to take a break and shut off the noise on my social media including my bloggie.
Why? Because sometimes it can be the healthiest boundary you set for yourself and it’s really up to us to decide when to turn it off and not let the negativity seep into our system.
When you log out of social media and log in to real life, you will eventually see how beautiful life is. Let's start living our life in the present and make our dreams come true! Shall we? x