This day was super fun! If you're following me on Twitter or Facebook, Today is scheduled to shop in some thrifted store here in our place with Rhea Bue, Angel Bugarin and and Ropa Jane Urbanozo!
We meet around 4pm and went shopping! Haha We're all eager to shop and in my excitement, i annoyingly bumped some people
Taha! Sorray!
To cut it short, i bought 2 bottoms and 6 tops for only around $7 (P280)! Can you imagine that? Are you amazed? ME TOO! Tara! Let's shop ! 

I was supposed to blog the things i bought and the last event we covered but suddenly my baby (DSLR) is not around 'cause he's working without me! Uh-huh! Like a boss
And i'm not yet done editing for the last event. So, Let me share you some photos of these little kiddoos. Out of the blue, a light bulb lit up over my head and decided to shoot! 

Mind you! They're using our old gowns way way back! Kyoooot! 

Hope y'all are enjoying your week! Cherish every moments before 2011 ends! Xo, Patricia