Lalalapatricia was featured!

Last night, As i was checking my Facebook account. I read Jannie Joshelle posted  about featuring some bloggers on her sidebar for about a week. Since my blog is new, so  i have decided to join! Who don't want instant traffic to your blog, right? Tee hee!

This morning, while i was tweeting with Rhea Bue. She surprised me with her tweet about the featured bloggers a week. I was very happy to find that Jannie Joshelle featured my blog as one of her Blogger's Of The Week! *blush*

Lookieeeeee! I took some screenshots :3

Let me tell you why i’d like to be featured for a week on her blog. Simple, It is because...
 I'm still noob! haha
• I want to share my every day life unfortunate moments and other fail funny stories, my personal and professional experience
•   And the very reason why i'd like to advertised my blog because i want to let people know that a url named existed! ❤

How about you? Any reason/s why you want or your blog to be featured? *.*

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