Today, it's just a calm day for me! No quizzes and all just like that.
Anyway, If your following me on Twitter, You'd prolly read my tweet about being excited yesterday! I'll tell you why! 

So tonight, I'm going to share some photos I took from yesterday's event! A girl turned into a Red Riding Hood for a night! Tadaaaaaaaaa! Meet Mara! 

Let's get it started! 

Her first attire! Very sexy with the bodycon dress! 

The debutant hates RED! haha

Don't you love the red shoes? I LIKE! 

I love how she pose! Very charming! 

Her Red Riding Hood Costume! I'm very impressed!
Check her amazing AVP here!

Creepy yet beautiful designs!
The Centerpiece in every table! I just love bokeh! 

The Debutant with her father! 

Ohh here I go again! Sorry I can't help myself for being such a Pedo! Since Kian came into my life, I became a child lover already! Haha
I'm done! Hope you enjoy my shots! 

Xo, lalala