Ho! Ho! Ho! 35 more days before Christmas!
I will never get tired of giving an awesome treats to my ever supportive readers, as you always put a smile on my face! Thank you so much, I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for you all. 

Together with my co-bloggers Jannie Parrel, Milna Tulao, Jemm Alba de Leon, Cee Culanculan, Gen-zel D. Habab, we're giving away another sweet treats to all of you!
Thanks to our lovely sponsors Unicorn Delight, Hatah Hatah, & Keendi Shoppe! So what are you waiting for? Check out what goodies awaits for you and how to join! 


Four lucky winners will be chosen after 3 weeks! Open to all PHILIPPINE based residents only.
Before anything else let me share something to you guys!

My co-blogger and her friends are going to collect "gifts" for the children of Akay Kalinga Centre for Street Children. You can read more about this non-government org here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Akay-Kalinga-Centre-for-Street-Children/437411232968669
Let's help out the less fortunate this Christmas. Invite others too to join in the cause. Do you wanna see me and other bloggers? Maybe we can also join them when they distribute the gifts to the kids. Check the photo for more info. That's it for now! Enjoy your week! Xo, lalala