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Sweater | Striped Shorts from Peppermint | Combat Boots from Dresslink
The usual basic for Sunday! How are you guys doing? Life's pretty amazing for me. I hope yours too! Well, everything's okay. I didn't know how I handled the struggle part or let me say one of the darkest part of my life but happy to say that I'm super okay now. Well we're ending the month in a week. As other people were so busy enjoying the heat of the sun, the days start getting shorter and just a snap it's mid-year already!
Even though sweaters or any thick clothes doesn't suit our country's bipolar humid weather, I am still madly in love with sweaters! Thank God with cold environment workplace. I don't usually wear pants and you know that if you've been my reader ever since this blog started. So, I opted to pair it with this basic black and white striped shorts to add some spice on this outfit. I was hitting that soldier look, so my combat boots were so ready to go! Sometimes, less is more. Do you agree? Share your Sunday outfits with me! Don't forget to join, our International Giveaway April Make Over! x