What I wear resembles what I feel right now...

Pullover from Lady Joana | Ruffled Skirt | Favorite Heels from Dresslink
What I wear resembles what I feel right now. Stripey or ruffles? There's a lot of prints yet I chose to wear and match both. I'm confused like that! But don't deny, it still compliments with each other. For me, it doesn't really matter what you wear, it's how you carry it. Swear, even you wear a glamorous expensive clothes if you don't carry it with confidence? You will still look ugly! That's why be yourself and wear something that you look good at and will boost your confident!
Do you want to know why this outfit resembles with what I feel right now? Well there are so many plans yet I don't know what to do. Honestly, I'm kicking again! These past few days, I've been job hunting here and there. Lucky enough, some responded my application. Hopefully, i'm going back to work soon!
Will I work home-based, a work based here in my hometown or go back to a place where I really want to work? Which is which? Which will you choose, to stay in your hometown with your family but you earn a little or to fly where you really want to work and you earn big to support your family and for the future?
I believe with the saying, "a little sacrifice won't hurt much." For now, I will entrust everything to God. I know he knows what is for the better! I would appreciate to read your opinions below. Thank you!