Hola! Sorry for the three-day Hiatus. Let me explain why!
Last Sunday, I did this AVP (Audio Video Presentation) for work. This is the first time i did an AVP. So expect it to be not-so-perfect but hope you'll appreciate it!
Every Monday's, it's a very-hectic schedule for me. Class, class, class then CLASS! A never-ending-class! I right away went home to get ready for work. Then headed in the venue pronto! I'M VERY LATE!
Though t'was so tiring but I still enjoyed it! Imma share it to you some of the photos maybe tomorrow!
I went home after work 'cause Research Papers was still waiting for me! MEH!
I can't wait to finish and cuddle with my bed!
Tuesday, Schoolwork welcomed me! Did our Psych assignment while Elective class was on going!
Today is Wednesday, Say hello to quizzes and group reports! o.O Hell week isn't it? I decided to treat myself! HERP DERP! I bought something for myself and did a "little" grocery shopping though i lost my $ yesterday! Indeed, I received double the price I lost!
By the way, I envy my co-blogger's post, It's a "Homemade-pizza"! So, i'm going to try it now for my midnight snack!
Until here guys! My February starts pretty well! I hope yours too! Sorry for the kinder-garden-work-post! Xo, lalala