Scared Clipper

Do you want to know why this little clipper is scared? 

Before sharing what I am scared of, let me talk about this outfit first. This was my last outfit last year going to work. I decided to wear something Christmas-y and thought of comfy sweaters for the season. Not to show off my skin, I paired it with a black tights to contrast the hues of the sweater. Finished up my outfit with a cap and booties for a cool chilling chic look. What do you think? Would you wear this kind of outfit someday too?

Well. Let's start and talk about why this little clipper is scared like a kitty. I'm actually scared with a lot of things, from work to relationship and all that. But I know God won't leave me. Not now. I've been through a lot of things already and I know ‎he won't give me any problems that I can't handle. *tough* I am planning a lot of things already. Getting back to work soon. But there's a lot of questions in my mind like what, where, how and etc? I hope I can make my mind soon. April is my target month to get back and kick in again! Hopefully, this time it will all work smoothly.

Career and money first before any other for my kids and our future. This time I have to keep in mind that people come and go. I have to choose the right person to trust and all that. The heart is not ready yet in the moment. Not this time. Enough with stupid love-dramas! Hah! *bitter* It's time to focus with career and family. Just that. How about you? Are you happy where you are now? Career, relationship, health, family? Let's talk! x

P.S. Pardon my photos. I am trying to blog as much as I want to. But my laptop was busted and I am using my phone to update. Thanked God for a good phone. Hah! Take care. x‎